The questionnaire, which is open for two weeks, aims to provide a broad picture of how researchers at LU feel the University is living up to the European Charter’s principles for working conditions, career opportunities and academic freedom. The responses will form the basis for a GAP analysis, which will become an important element in the University’s quality management work for strong research environments.
“For Lund University, it is vital that we can recruit and retain the best researchers and provide them with a good work environment. It is vital for us to know what the researchers think in order to find the right focus for our development work. We therefore hope that as many as possible will take the time to respond,” says Pro Vice-Chancellor Per Mickwitz.
The survey is part of the University’s ongoing work to ensure high quality and good conditions for research in accordance with the European Charter for Researchers. The work, conducted as a project, is linked to the HR Excellence in Research Award, a certification that the University received in 2020 and is now aiming to retain.
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