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Cafés, restaurants and coffee machines

When you want to relax for a while with a cup of coffee or go to lunch, you can visit one of the cafes or restaurants that operates within the University premises.

Lund University has agreements with businesses offering cafes and restaurants at the premises of the University. The purpose is to offer cafes and restaurants with accommodated prices to students and staff.

Cafés and restaurants at Lund University

Centre for Languages and Literature (SOL)

Restaurant SOL
Restaurang SOL website (in Swedish)

Chemistry Centre (KC)

Ester Mat & Café
Ester Mat & Café website (in Swedish)

Clinical Research Centre, Malmö (CRC)

Mötesplats CRC
Mötesplats CRCs website (in Swedish)


Café Le Mani
Café Le Manis website (in Swedish)


Café Eden
Café Edens website (in Swedish)

Engineering students’ union building (LTH)

Moroten & piskan
Moroten & piskan website (in Swedish)

Holger Craaford Centre (EC)

Café Holger

Ingvar Kamprad Design Centre (IKDC)

Bryggan kök & café
Bryggan website (in Swedish)


Café Juridicum

Kolhuset in the Botanical garden

Patisseriet i Botan
Patisseriet i Botans website (in Swedish)


Cafe LUX
Cafe LUX website (in Swedish)

Medical Centre, Lund

Stamstället website (in Swedish)

Musikhögskolan, Malmö

Café Musikhögskolan
Yallatrappan website (in Swedish)

Skissernas Museum

På Skissernas
På Skissernas website (in Swedish)

University library (UB)

Café UB
Café UB website (in Swedish)

Coffee and vending machines

All coffee and vending machines are procured and contracts signed with Beans in Cup coffee suppliers. The coffee available in the machines is KRAV and Fairtrade certified.

If you want to install or remove an existing machine, contact LU Estates, fg [at] bygg [dot] lu [dot] se.

Report any errors to Beans in Cup. Provide the machine number.
Beans in Cup website (in Swedish)


Marie Broddegård
+46 46-222 67 29
marie [dot] broddegard [at] bygg [dot] lu [dot] se

Map over Lund

Map over Lund campus area in Lund
Map over Lund campus