Administrative systems
Login shortcuts
Alphabetical list of administrative systems and tools intended for a wide target group and administered within the University administration. Please note that most of the systems are in Swedish.
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | N | O | P | R | S | T | U | V | W |
In this digital learning and teaching environment students, teachers and administrators can communicate, collaborate and interact in various ways.
- Log in to
- More information about Canvas resources for teachers and administrative staff
Book your trip with BCD Travels online self-booking system Cytric.
- Log into the self-booking system (with your Lucat username and password)
- Read more about business travel
EduSign – secure digital signature
EduSign can be used for e-signatures within an organisation as well as between different higher education institutions. Before you start using eduSign, it is important that you know what procedures apply at your department.
Read more about eduSign
Log in to eduSign
Lund University is obliged to submit electronic material to the National Library of Sweden, under the legal requirement of electronic legal deposit (eLD). These deposits are to be made through our eLD system called ‘E-plikta’.
- Upload eLD material in E-plikta
- Read more about electronic legal deposit and publications that are subject to eLD here
EPIC is a portal for managing email functions for mailing lists, shared inboxes, etc.
Log in to EPIC (requires VPN connection)
IA system – report incidents and occupational injuries
The IA system is the university’s new system for reporting incidents and occupational injuries digitally. By 30 June 2023 at the latest, all organisations within Lund University are to report via the IA system.
Image and media bank
The University’s image and media bank contains thousands of photographs that can be freely used in Lund University material. The bank also contains layout templates, logos, fonts and various communication tools for download.
Log in to the image and media bank
Inspera is a digital tool for taking exams. It is used to create, write and grade exams. Inspera is primarily a tool for taking exams in the classroom, but the tool can also be used for remote examinations. Inspera can be used to create many different types of exams (even anonymous exams) with different types of questions.
Key Koncept
The security office’s incident reporting system
Klara is the University’s chemical registration system. The chemical search function is open to all.
Kompetensportalen (Professional Development Portal)
Kompetensportalen (Professional Development Portal) provides access to a wide range of internal courses for staff, managers, and leaders. Use your Lucat ID to log in and register for courses.
A tool for follow-up and analysis.
If you want to access Kuben outside of the university's network, for example from home, you must first log in via the VPN service. To start a VPN connection, click the network connection icon in the taskbar of your computer.
Ladok is the University’s student registration system that contains data for all undergraduate and postgraduate students.
Lubas is Lund University’s education database. It contains information about courses and programmes offered at the University.
- Log in to access education offerings
- Log in to access course syllabi
- Log in to access programme syllabi
- Training, important dates and authorisation for Lubas
If you want to access Lubas outside of the university's network, for example from home, you must first log in via the VPN service. To start a VPN connection, click the network connection icon in the taskbar of your computer.
LU Box
Store documents and share them with others within or outside the University. Log in with your Lucat ID.
Lucat is the University’s staff directory. You can search for all staff at the University. You can also edit your own contact details and change your password.
Are you a new employee at Lund University? Then you must activate your LU account to access the IT systems and services you need for work. You activate your account in Passport.
If you have a Swedish personal identity number, use Freja eID+ or Mobile BankID to activate your LU account (or reset a lost password).
If you do not have a Swedish personal identity number, contact your line manager for assistance in activating the account with the help of a directory administrator.
- More information about Lucat - employee or affiliate of the University
- More information about Lucat - directory administrator or manager
LUCRIS is Lund University’s research information system and the registration interface for scholarly publications.
- Log in to LUCRIS
- Visit the Research Portal
- More information about LUCRIS – research information system
Electronic purchasing and invoice management system
LUP Student Papers is a system for managing and publishing papers written by students.
Digital service for system administration plans. Please note that you always need to use a VPN connection to be able to log in to Lusyfer, whether you are on campus or not. To start a connection with VPN, click on the network connections icon in the taskbar of your computer.
Log in to Lusyfer (requires VPN connection)
LU Zoom - digital meeting
An eMeeting tool for education and meetings. A digital meeting where you can participate from where you are.
NyA-webben is an online version of the NyA admissions system, which is aimed at staff at departments. In NyA-webben you will find information about an individual’s application, qualifications and submitted documents.
An account management portal where you can change your password and enter contact information to enable the University to reach you with information in emergency situations.
Primula Web
In Primula Web you can carry out many tasks relating to your employment, including applying for annual leave, viewing your salary statements, reporting secondary employment and submitting a declaration of illness. You can then follow the status of your cases in the SSC portal (Government Service Centre). The portal also provides relevant news and information on current and planned operational disturbances affecting Primula.
Retendo - an IT-system for staff planning
A planning system for teaching and research staff. It provides an overall view of courses, projects and ongoing assignments as well as how the work is planned and distributed among the employees. The system also takes care of monitoring working time and finances. Retendo is currently used by four faculties - School of Economics and Management, Faculties of Humanities and Theology, Faculty of Law, and The Faculty of Social Sciences.
- Learn more about Retendo
- Log in to Retendo (you can change your language setting to English inside)
Salut is the University’s internal telephone directory, searchable by either name or number. In case of absence, use Salut to generate an out-of-office reply.
Log in to Salut (you can change your language setting to English inside)
SoleMove is a university-wide system for the management of international mobility in all areas within Lund University, both student and staff mobility.
SoleMove mobility support:
SSC Portal
You can use the National Government Service Centre (SSC) portal to contact SCC regarding Primula, by creating a case. You can then follow its status and respond when necessary via the portal during case processing. The portal also provides relevant news and information on current and planned operational disturbances affecting Primula.
Sunet Survey
Sunet Survey is a program for creating online questionnaires, such as course evaluations.
Room booking system. Booking and timetabling of rooms. Log in with your Lucat ID and password.
- Book a room in TimeEdit
- To see schedules or see the different rooms
- Read more about booking premises
- Read more about timetabling and resource booking
The document management system W3D3 is used to register administrative matters and documents.
Read your emails from any computer that has a web browser. Log in with your Lucat ID and password.
More tools on Ekonomiwebben
Find EOS, Raindance and other systems on Ekonomiwebben (website in Swedish).
Are you a manager or an officer working with HR issues?
Go to the HR web (website in Swedish) for more administrative systems for managers, HR officers and other staff involved in processing HR matters.