Education (first, second and third cycle)
The decisions published in the English Rules and Regulations are only translations of the Swedish originals. In the event of any discrepancy between the original and the translation, the original takes precedence.
All documents below open in a new window.
Rules of procedure for Lund university. Decision 2024-09-18. (PDF 393 kB)
Deadline for students to take up their study place. Decision 2024-09-19. (PDF 200 kB)
Admission Rules for Doctoral Education at Lund University. Decision 2024-06-18. (PDF 538 kB).
Lund University regulations for educational and postdoc scholarships (PDF 785 kB)
Lund University’s regulations on managing contract education in Ladok, 2020 (PDF 143 kB)
Regulations for organising contract education at Lund University I 2015 I (PDF 32 kB)
Policy on contract education at Lund University I 2015 I (PDF 39 kB)
Guidelines for the extension of doctoral studentships etc. I 2015 I (PDF 199 kB)
Rules on sound recording, photography and filming in teaching situations I 2012 I (PDF 30 kB)
Regulations on the management of study association courses etc. in Ladok, 2003 (PDF 124 kB)
Office of the Vice-Chancellor
sammantrade [at] rektor [dot] lu [dot] se (sammantrade[at]rektor[dot]lu[dot]se)