If you work in study administration, these pages will provide you with information about admission. Here, you will also find timetables, information about workflow and responsibilities for different parts of the admission process, as well as contact information for any questions.
The admissions office holds the main responsibility for managing applications and admissions to programmes and courses at Lund University. The applicable admission rules are stated in the Lund University admission regulations.
Admission rules for first and second cycle education at Lund University (PDF 118 kB, new tab)
Admission timetables
Here you will find timetables for current admissions rounds. All the files below are in Swedish and open in a new tab.
Fall semester
- Timetable for admission to HT2025 (PDF, 260 kB) (in Swedish)
- Timetable for admission to MASTER HT25 (PDF, 121 kB) (in Swedish)
- Timetable for admission to IK HT25 (PDF, 113 kB) (in Swedish)
Spring semester
- Timetable for admission to VT25 (PDF, 340 kB) (in Swedish)
- Timetable for admission to IK VT25 (PDF 509 kB) (in Swedish)
System for admission
NyA is the national admissions system that Swedish higher education institutions use to manage a round of admissions. There is also the NyA web – a web tool available to departmental staff.
Request for deferment of studies
Students admitted to a course or programme have the opportunity to apply for deferment of studies if there are special grounds. We recommend you to use our template for application for deferment of study start.
Request for deferment of studies (PDF 134 kB, new tab)
Do you have questions about admissions administration?
You are welcome to contact the admissions office for advice and support. The easiest way to reach us is by emailing instlant [at] stu [dot] lu [dot] se (instlant[at]stu[dot]lu[dot]se)
The Admissions Office
instlant [at] stu [dot] lu [dot] se (internal e-mail)
Visiting address:
Sölvegatan 29 B, Lund
Map on
Internal mailing code 13
Here you will find our various areas of expertise:
Head of Office and Head of Admissions
Joakim Hall
joakim [dot] hall [at] stu [dot] lu [dot] se
Admissions officers
instlant [at] stu [dot] lu [dot] se
Björn Bergenfeldt
Johan Blomgren
Anna Cabak Rédei
Christina Ekerholm
Johan Fredriksson
Helena Lindelöf Priest
Rita Nilsson
Cecilia Raab
Ulf Stenport
Richard Öhman
Coordinator of Recognition of Prior Learning
Christel Berg
validering [at] stu [dot] lu [dot] se
Swedish Scholastic Aptitude Test
Jens Berglund
Johan Fredriksson
hprov [at] stu [dot] lu [dot] se
Tuition fee coordinator
Linda Hiltmann
Questions about validation of prior learning?
Find information about the University’s process for validation of recognition of prior learning.