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The purpose of the module ‘Project’ is to show how a researcher or research group work with a time-limited research topic. On this page you will find why you should add projects to LUCRIS and how to do it.

Why you add a project

By adding projects to LUCRIS, you can make your ongoing research visible.

If, for example, you as a researcher have received external funding, it is common for the financier to require you to have a public website about the project that you continuously update. When you add a new project to LUCRIS, a page is automatically created on the Research Portal that meets these requirements. Through LUCRIS, you can then link other research works such as research outputs and activities to the project. It is also possible to create a link between the award itself and the project so that the financier is shown on the project page.

Projects you should add

You as a researcher should create a project in LUCRIS if it is externally funded. You should also register any doctoral projects. Other types of research projects (such as internally funded projects) are voluntary to register unless the faculty's local practice requires it.

Definition of project

Project is a time-limited and defined research activity. It must be a temporary research project that has a clear start and end time. The project may have external funding, but it is not a must. Note that research groups are not considered to be projects but organisational units. It is however common for research groups to be involved in projects.

If you want to know more about the externally financed award in LUCRIS, you can read more under awards

How to add and edit projects

All users in LUCRIS can create projects. In larger collaborative projects, however, it is the primary investigator, or the person appointed by the primary investigator, who ensures that the project is created.

The easiest way to create a new project is to log in to LUCRIS and then click the green button 'Add content' that appears on the right. Next, select Project and select the type of project you want to create.

Where to find the green button named add content in LUCRIS (image)

A project based on the information in an award can be created when the award is registered in LUCRIS. Below you will find both a video and a description of how to do this.

Video: Create a project from an award

The video explains how you can create a project from an award so that the financer is visible on the project page.

Description: Create a project from an award

Do as follows:

  1. Go to the module 'Award' 
  2. Click on the relevant award
  3. Click on the pencil in the left corner. 
  4. Scroll down to 'Related projects'
  5. Click on the button ‘Create project from award’
  6. Check the information in the project and make any nessesary changes
  7. Click on the 'Save' button once you are done 

You can find your already created projects by logging into LUCRIS and scrolling down on your page. You can also go to the main navigation at the top of the page. In that case, click on the arrow next to the text ‘Personal’ and select Project.

If you do not have the right to change a project, you can contact the support.

Video: Add information to a project

Description: Add information to a project

  1. Log in to LUCRIS
  2. Click on the project
  3. Click on the small pen in the upper left corner to edit
  4. Review the fields and make sure to fill them in as accurately as possible
  5. Create relations to any relevant research output, projects, awards, etc.
  6. Add keywords like UKÄ, and SDG:s if relevant
  7. Don't forget to save when you're done

Create a dissertation project

Below you will find information on how to create a dissertation project in LUCRIS.

Types of projects

In LUCRIS there are the following main project classifications:

  • Research
  • Commissioned research
  • Dissertation
    Note that the thesis project is something else than the thesis itself (which should be registered under research output). The dissertation project aims to connect the entire dissertation period and becomes a base where you can showcase the activities and outputs that are created along the way.
  • Network
    There are certain types of projects that are more like organisational arrangements, but which may still not fit naturally under Lund University’s internal organisational unit. This may apply, for example, to national structures or more informal internal groupings. For these projects you can use the network type.
  • Other

When you add an employee within Lund University to a project, they are notified that the project has been created. However, messages are not sent to external members added to a project. External people added to a project must give their consent to this.

Projects in the Research Portal

There is no review process for projects, so your project will be visible in the Research Portal shortly after you enter it.

Frequently asked questions and answers about projects

Below you will find our frequently asked questions regarding projects and some information in regards to research teams.

In this video, we explain how you can check SDGs on your research outputs, personal profile, and projects.

Unfortunately it is currently not possible to add images to projects. We who work with LUCRIS are aware that this request exists and we therefore work actively with this. As of now a solution will likely be introduced with the new research portal sometime during 2024.

For a research project, the reporting relies heavily on you actively updating the project's information and using the function in LUCRIS called 'relations'. By making sure that there is a relation to the project with other entries of information in LUCRIS you make sure that the project remains updated. Note that project relations do not come about automatically like, for example, affiliations to a research group do.

The project receives its own page in the research portal, and every record linked to the project shown on it.

Video instructions

This video explains how you fill out all fields in a project and how you keep a project updated with new activities like new publications or conference participations.

Research groups in LUCRIS represent how we are organised internally at Lund University. The teams are therefore found or established in Lucat. Projects in LUCRIS represent the research conducted at Lund University, these are entered in LUCRIS.

Research groups added to Lucat are administered via Lucat (are synced). The name of the research group has to be descriptive. If you, as a research team leader, wish for your name to be included in the title, then this is always put last and in parentheses. When researchers in the research teams enter posts into LUCRIS, for example a publication, the researcher can indicate whether the added material is related to the research group.

Research groups can only contain internal people.

The faculties have decided on a minimum level for entering information in LUCRIS. According to the minimum level, all externally funded research projects and thesis projects must be represented in LUCRIS. Other projects can be added according to the faculties' local guidelines. The funding for a project is specified by attaching one or more contracts to the project.

Question: I am part of an international network or organisation but it seems a bit exaggerated to create a network-type project out of that. Is there any other way of simply indicating that I am involved?

Answer: You can add it as an activity of the type 'External academic engagement' - 'Membership of external research organisation'. This can be used when the purpose is not to describe the network itself, but merely the person’s participation.

Find the research award in the LUCRIS Award module. Open it and find relations. Beneath relations there is a heading called ‘Related projects’. Click on the button ‘Create a project based on this award’.

Illustration of how to create project from awards (image)

Then choose which information to include and create the project. Then it's just a matter of filling the project with more participants, research output, etc. Remember to double check that the visibility is set to ‘Publicly’ at the bottom. As soon as the project is saved, it is visible in the Research Portal.

You should only use the field "Use of personal information and how to opt out" if you have received separate instructions to do so. The field is for projects which include register-based research where participants shall be able to opt out. 



Chose between

  • Research
  • Commissioned research
  • Dissertation
  • Network
  • Other

Nature of activity type: Choose among the following (select one or more):

  1. Interdisciplinary research
  2. International collaboration
  3. National collaboration
  4. Collaboration with industry
  5. Collaboration with municipalities and county councils
  6. Collaboration with schools
  7. Internal collaboration (LU)
  8. Clinical research
  9. Artistic research
  10. Teaching
  11. Individual research project


  • Title: add the title in both Swedish and English if possible. You can switch between languages in the top left-hand corner, or click Translation in the left-hand menu.
  • Acronym
  • Description: brief project description, max 400 characters, preferably in both Swedish and English, with the research community as the target group.
  • Layman's description: Brief popular science description, preferably in both Swedish and English.
  • Use of personal information and how to opt out: shall only be used if the project includes register-based research where participants shall be able to opt out, and you have received separate instructions to fill it in. Otherwise, leave it blank.


Internal or external people/organisations (participants/collaborator). NB: external people added to a project must consent to be included. If a person is added, information about the organisations to which that person is linked will follow. Irrelevant organisational links must be unticked.

Each person added must have a role assigned in the project:

  1. PI - primary investigator (PI)/forskningsledare (PI)
  2. CoI - co-investigator (CoI), project participant: forskare, projektmedlem
  3. Researcher/forskare.
  4. Project communication officer/projektkommunikatör
  5. Project coordinator/projektkoordinator
  6.  Administrator/administratör 

Project managed by 

This is connected to the organisation within your faculty that is responsible to support the registration of this project. If you have problems with the registration please contact the support.

This field is set in relation to affiliation of the person making the registration. You can have two managing unit (the other one is set under "Co-managing organisational unit"). This field is not visible in the Research Portal.

Collaborative partners

Click yes if this is a collaboration project, for the organisations under participants above to appear. You can edit the list if you wish. Search for a collaborative partner or organisation below ‘add collaborator’. If the one you need is not in the database, you can add a new entry by clicking ‘Create new’. Organisations are to be added according to the form ‘Organisation’ (university or similar), ‘Country’: Copenhagen University, Denmark.

NB: One of the collaborative partners must be indicated as the Lead.

Life cycle

Start year/end year for the project. The end year can be left empty if you wish.


Tick this box if the project was terminated prematurely.

Files and access

Add a document: Allows you for example to add a longer project description – the scholarly presentation of the project can be attached as a PDF, such as the description submitted to the funding body.

Add Links: possibility to link to a project website outside LUCRIS.


In the following part of the form, you fill in links to publications, activities, contracts, main projects, and so on in LUCRIS. Note that publications written (only) by external authors who are part of a project at Lund University cannot be entered into LUCRIS.


Classification according to UKÄ and free subject words.


Before saving, make sure the visibility is set to ‘Public - No Restrictions’. If not - change!

Illustartion on where to change visibility to Public (image)



Contact the LUCRIS support

E-mail:  servicedesk [at] lu [dot] se
Phone: 046-222 90 00
Monday - Friday 8:00-17:00
Web form: