Erasmus+ doctoral student mobility
As a doctoral student, you have many opportunities to gain international experience during your doctoral studies. You can, for example, collect data for your thesis or participate in staff training. You can also teach at a partner university.
Exchanges carried out in Europe (EU/EEA) within the framework of Erasmus+, the EU's education programme, are supported with scholarships. The size of the scholarship amount, how it is calculated and how it is paid out depend on the type of activity you carry out and where you go. The scholarship is a contribution to the costs for travel and subsistence that occur in connection with your mobility.
If you want to go to an institution/organisation within the EU/EEA, you can apply directly for an Erasmus+ scholarship if you meet all the requirements/conditions. Mobility to LERU and EUGLOH member universities, as well as European U21 universities, is encouraged.
Mobility to the United Kingdom and Switzerland is also possible. Please note that special rules apply.
Below is a summary of the opportunities within the Erasmus+ programme. As a doctoral student, you are both a student and a staff member and can therefore apply for scholarships that refer to both groups. Which mobility you should choose depends on the purpose of the trip. The Erasmus+ grant for studies and traineeships is paid to you personally. The Erasmus+ grant for teacher and staff mobility is transferred to your department.
As a doctoral student at Lund University, you can collect data and material for your thesis or participate in other thesis preparation activities at a partner university. The studies must be full-time at one and the same university and for a continuous period of time.
Erasmus+ mobility for studies must be carried out within the framework of an Erasmus+ exchange agreement (Inter-Institutional Agreement). Regardless what activities you carry out, a Learning Agreement must be signed.
The information on this page mainly applies to Lund University's bachelor's and master's students who are nominated for an exchange within the EU/EEA and to the United Kingdom and Switzerland. In addition to that, the following information is relevant for doctoral students:
Eligibility and Terms
To be eligible to apply for the scholarship, you must:
- be registered as a doctoral student with the intention of obtaining a degree at Lund University
- have a supervisor at Lund University
- study full-time during the exchange
- live in the host country for the entire study period (also applicable for exchange studies in Denmark)
Also consider the following:
- There must be an exchange agreement between Lund University and the receiving institution. You upload the confirmation from your faculty's international office that an agreement exists in the Erasmus database under "Other documents".
Contact your faculty's international office for more information
- Your supervisor, your host and you must draw up a Learning Agreement. A template will be provided.
- You are strongly advised to have a supervisor at the receiving institution, although this is not a formal requirement.
- The scholarship is paid to you personally and you yourself need to pay for all costs that arise in connection with your mobility.
The length of the exchange period
The physical study period can last for 5–30 days or 2–12 months.
Scholarship amount
In the case of a short, physical mobility of 5–30 days:
- Days 1–14: 79 euros per day.
- Days 15–30: 56 euros per day.
- Outside the EU/EEA: daily amount plus a travel grant (no travel grant for mobility to the United Kingdom and Switzerland).
For longer mobility of 2–12 months:
- Within the EU/EEA including the United Kingdom and Switzerland: between 510 and 560 euros per month.
- Outside the EU/EEA: 700 euros per month plus a travel grant.
If you have a disability or have children, you can receive extra support in the form of Top-up. You are also eligible for Top-up if you have protection status in Sweden.
The traineeship can take place at a company, an organisation, a university or a research and training centre and can be carried out during and after the doctoral studies.
- During the doctoral studies: The content of the traineeship must be relevant to your doctoral studies. You can use the traineeship for, for example, fieldwork, data collection and to gather material for your thesis.
- After the doctoral studies (“recent graduate”): You can use the traineeship, for example, to gain work and research experience. You must apply for your Erasmus+ traineeship during the last semester. The entire traineeship period must take place within 12 months of the defence. A doctoral student who has obtained his or her degree can no longer apply for a traineeship as a “recent graduate”.
More information about Erasmus+ traineeship mobility within the EU/EEA and link to application (Erasmus database)
The information on this page mainly applies to Lund University's bachelor's and master's students who are going on exchange within the EU/EEA including United Kingdom and Switzerland. In addition to that, the following information is relevant for doctoral students:
Eligibility and Terms
To be eligible to apply for the scholarship, you must:
- be registered as a doctoral student with the intention of obtaining a degree at Lund University
- have a supervisor at Lund University
- have a supervisor at the host university
- study full-time during the exchange
- live in the host country for the entire study period (also applicable for exchange studies in Denmark)
The length of the exchange period
The physical traineeship period can last 5–30 days or 2–12 months.
Scholarship amount
In the case of a short, physical mobility of 5–30 days:
- Days 1–14: 70 euros per day.
- Days 15–30: 50 euros per day.
- Plus a travel grant.
In case of longer mobility of 2–12 months:
- Within the EU/EEA including United Kingdom and Switzerland: between 660 and 710 euros per month.
- Outside the EU/EEA: 700 euros per month
- Plus a travel grant.
If you have a disability or have children, you can receive extra support in the form of Top-up. You are also eligible for Top-up if you have protection status in Sweden. The scholarship is paid to you personally and you yourself need to pay for all costs that arise in connection with your mobility.
Teaching staff mobility gives you as a doctoral student the opportunity to teach at a partner university. Teaching staff mobility can be combined with Erasmus+ staff training which reduces the number of teaching hours by half.
An Erasmus+ exchange agreement (“Inter-Institutional Agreement”) with the partner university you wish to visit is a requirement.
Eligibility and Terms
To be eligible to apply for the scholarship, you must:
- be registered as a doctoral student with the intention of obtaining a degree at Lund University
- have a supervisor at Lund University
- live in the host country for the entire traineeship period (this also applies for Denmark)
The length of the exchange period
The mobility must last at least two days (five days outside the EU/EEA) and contain at least eight teaching hours a week (four hours in the case of combined teaching staff and staff training mobility). The maximum time granted is normally 2–3 weeks.
Scholarship amount
Between 140-180 euros per day plus a travel grant. The scholarship is transferred to the institution and not to the scholarship holder. The trip and accommodation are booked via LU's procured travel agency. Reimbursement for expenses and allowances is made via a travel expense report in Primula upon return.
Staff training mobility means that you, as a doctoral student, can job shadow at a company, an organisation or a university, participate in workshops or in a shorter course (not ECTS). The activity you carry out must be related to your duties at Lund University.
Eligibility and Terms
To be eligible to apply for the scholarship, you must:
- be registered as a doctoral student with the intention of obtaining a degree at Lund University
- have a supervisor at Lund University
- live in the host country for the entire traineeship period (this also applies for Denmark)
The length of the exchange period
The mobility must last at least two days (five days outside the EU/EEA). The maximum time granted is normally 1–2 weeks.
Scholarship amount
Between 140-180 euros per day plus a travel allowance. The grant is transferred to the institution and not to the scholarship holder. The trip and accommodation are booked via LU's procured travel agency. Reimbursement for expenses and allowances is made via a travel expense report in Primula upon return.
More information on staff training mobility within the EU/EEA and link to application
Special call for mobility outside the EU/EEA
Within Erasmus+, doctoral candidates can go on mobility to institutions outside the EU/EEA area. Erasmus+ scholarships are limited and are announced competitively.
Information on current calls – read about International Impact Actions
The Erasmus+ scholarship consists of two parts based on the duration of the stay and the type of mobility (studies, traineeship, staff training, staff teaching):
- monthly/daily allowance
- travel grant (if applicable)
Erasmus+ Studies and Traineeships
- 700 euros per month for long mobilities of 2–12 months (560 euros for studies and 710 euros for traineeships to the UK and Switzerland).
- 56–79 euros per day for short mobilities of 5–30 days.
- A travel contribution based on the distance between Lund University and the host university.
ErasmusPhD [at] er [dot] lu [dot] se
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Erasmus Charter for Higher Education
Erasmus code
Charter number
101013090 – LU
Erasmus Charter 2021–2027 for Lund University (PDF 315 kB, new tab)