Common email signature
When you send an email as a Lund University employee, your association with the University should be clear – this is an important element of our public face. Below, you will find recommendations for how to compose your email signature, which you can copy and use as a template.
Your email signature provides the recipient with brief information on your function and your contact details. Avoid as far as possible using images or logotypes in your signature, as the way in which your correspondents can receive and view these images varies depending on their email program and settings.
Recommendations for email signatures
Font: Arial normal (write your first name and surname in Arial bold)
Size: 10–11 points
Colour: Black
First name Surname
Lund University
Postal address
Visiting address
Telephone (written +46 46 000 00 00)
Mobile (written +46 701 00 00 00)
If you have more information, for example a blog or facebook page, you can add it at the bottom of the text. Feel free to copy the template above, add your own details and convert into Arial font when you paste the text into your email program. Please note that these are merely recommendations for what to include in a signature and in what order; if you wish to add or remove something, you are free to do so.
When you are sending an email to people outside the University, you need to inform them about how the we process personal data. In the example below you’ll find a recommended information text to include in you email signature. You do not need to inform employees and enrolled students.
Processing personal data in emails
Example: email signature in Swedish
Anna Andersson
Lunds universitet
Naturvetenskapliga fakulteten
Biologiska institutionen
Box 118, 221 00 Lund
Besöksadress: Sölvegatan 37
Telefon: +46 46 123 456 78
Mobil: +46 701 23 45 67
När du skickar e-post till Lunds universitet behandlar vi dina personuppgifter i enlighet med gällande lagstiftning. Mer om hur dina personuppgifter behandlas hittar du på Lunds universitets webbplats
Example: email signature in English
Anna Andersson
Postdoctoral research fellow
Lund University
Faculty of Science
Department of Biology
Box 118, SE 221 00 Lund
Visiting address: Sölvegatan 37
Telephone: +46 46 123 45 67
Mobile: +46 701 23 45 67
When you send emails to Lund University, we process your personal data in accordance with existing legislation. To find out more about the processing of your personal data, visit the Lund University website
How to change your signature
How you enter your email signature varies from one email program to another. The most common procedure is to go in to Tools/File > Options > Email /Email format and find the button for signature. Another alternative, if you are using Outlook for Mac, for example, is that you open a new email and find the button for signatures at the top of the Tools menu. You then select Standard and change or paste in your signature in the column on the right. If you can’t find it, search for “Signatures” in the help function of your program.
Help and support
Contact the Service Desk if you have problems or further questions, via telephone +46 46 222 90 00 or email servicedesk [at] lu [dot] se
The LU Support website offers IT support for Lund University employees, including several guides for the Office programs, etc.
Tips and advice on email management
On the page below you will find some recommendations on how to manage emails. The aim is to streamline our communication channels and make things easier for recipients.
Corporate Communications
Related information
Find out how you are to provide information to recipients simply by including a text in your email signature, as well as guidelines on managing emails.
IT system status
See current and planned operational disruptions for the university's IT systems.
For other problems with computer, telephone or other IT issues, contact LU Servicedesk.
Phone: +46 46 222 90 00
servicedesk [at] lu [dot] se (servicedesk[at]lu[dot]se)

What to think about when writing e-mails
Tips and advice on email management.