Sick leave
If you fall ill, you should report your absence immediately. If you are ill for an extended period of time, you must submit a doctor’s certificate. This page provides more information about notification of illness.
Register absences on time to get the correct salary
In order for you to receive the correct salary at the end of the month, and to avoid a so-called salary debt arising, it is important to register absence that affect your salary in time.
- Illness must be registered on the first day of absence.
- Care of a sick child (VAB) is registered with a start date and an end date on the first day after returning to work.
- Get in the habit of always checking your payslip, so that everything is correct.
Read more about salary debt on the page about payment of salary
Content on this page:
- Notification of illness
- Illness longer than 7 calender days
- Sick pay, standard deduction for sick days and sickness benefit
- Recurrence of illness
Notification of illness
You are to report sick leave on the first day of absence to your manager or to the contact person your manager has designated. You must also register sick leave in Primula.
When you are well again, you should enter your declaration of illness for the period you were away in SSC Primula.
The same thing applies if you become ill during your holiday period. In addition to reporting your illness, you must edit/retract your application for annual leave in Primula.
Read more about how to edit/retract applications for annual leave in the SSC Portal. If you have any questions, start by contacting the National Government Service Centre (SSC). See contact details in the right-hand column.
Illness longer than 7 calendar days
If you are ill for more than 7 calendar days, you must submit a copy of your doctor’s certificate to your line manager. Statens servicecenter (the National Government Service Centre) reports your illness to Försäkringskassan (the Swedish Social Insurance Agency).
A doctor’s certificate must also be sent to Försäkringskassan. It is your responsibility to ensure that this happens. In most counties, the doctor can submit the certificate electronically. If you have received a paper certificate, send the original to Försäkringskassans Inläsningscentral, 839 88 Östersund.
Extensions of a doctor’s certificate must be sent to your line manager and to Försäkringskassan on an ongoing basis. If a medical certificate is extended, your manager will ensure that the new end date and the correct scope are registered in a new sickness case in Primula. If you are on part-time sick leave and do not work five days a week, this is called fixed part-time working hours. In case of fixed part-time working hours, it is important that you have an updated schedule in Primula stating the days you are working and the days you have off. Read more about fixed part-time working hours:
Registration of fixed part-time working hours | Staff Pages (
If you do not submit a doctor’s certificate from the eighth day of your sick leave, your employer is not obliged to pay you sick pay.
Sick pay, standard deduction for sick days and sickness benefit
For the first fourteen days of absence due to illness, the employee’s sick pay is covered by the employer. Sick pay is 80 per cent of your usual salary. A standard deduction is also taken from the sick pay as a one-off amount. The standard deduction for sick days is 20 per cent of your sick pay during an average week when you are sick. The deduction is the same, whether you are absent due to illness for the whole of the first day or only part of it (please note that the previous qualifying day was replaced by the standard deduction for sick days as of 1 January 2019).
For days 15 to 365, after the period of sick pay, you are entitled to receive sickness benefit from Försäkringskassan. However, for higher salaries Försäkringskassan does not use the entire salary as the basis for calculating sickness benefit – sickness benefit is approximately 80% of your salary up to the current income ceiling.
As a government employee, you are covered by an agreement that entitles you to higher compensation. For days 15 to 365, all government employees receive approximately 90% of their income in total, irrespective of whether this is below or above Försäkringskassan’s ceiling.
After day 365, as a public sector employee you may be entitled to compensation from your employer if you continue to receive sickness benefit from Försäkringskassan (the Swedish Social Insurance Agency). The conditions for compensation are regulated in agreements and are based on the decision of Försäkringskassan in each individual case.
Recurrence of illness
If you fall ill again within five calendar days of your return to work, this will be considered a continuation of your previous sick leave.
Contact your line manager or the HR function at your organisational unit if you have any questions concerning employment or your organisational unit’s procedures for HR matters.
Primula support
In Primula Web you can carry out many tasks relating to your employment, including applying for annual leave, viewing your salary statements, reporting secondary employment and submitting a declaration of illness.
SSC Portal
In the SSC Portal you can find information about operational disruptions and planned interruptions to services for upgrades, in Primula.
Call ext. 29 000, press 3. You need to identify yourself with BankID to receive answers to personal information that, for example, concerns your payslip. If you do not identify yourself, you will receive the answers to your questions in a case in the SSC Portal.
External call, from a personal telephone +46 (0)46 222 90 00, press 3)