Prisma – application and case management system
A system for researchers to apply for grants and manage their approved grants.
Prisma is the joint application and case management system for the following funding bodies: Fortes, Formas, the Swedish Research Council, the Karolinska Institute, the Swedish Institute for Educational Research, the Swedish National Space Agency and the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency.
This is where all the information connected to applications for research funding is handled.
More information on the Prisma website
Create a personal account in Prisma (three steps)
- Create an ORCID account: ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) is an international registry for researchers. ORCID is compulsory in Prisma. If you have not yet created a personal researcher ID, do so via ORCID’s website. Make a note of your ORCID number which is under your name in the top left of the ORCID web page, written in the form XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX, 16 figures in total.
- Create a personal account in Prisma:
- Go to Prisma,
- Select “Create personal account”
- Select “Create personal account with SWAMID”.
- You will then create an account which is linked to your LUCAT ID at the University. Follow the instructions on the screen.
- Activate your account in Prisma: Once you have created your account, you will receive an email with a username and password to activate your account. Follow the instructions in the email.
Formas application
Formas is asking for the below information (Lund University Annual Report 2024):
Annual turnover: 10 778 908 kSEK
Balance sheet: 9 126 558 kSEK
Number of employees (average number): 8 627
The annual report contains more information that can be used for applications, under the section Key performance indicators. Please contact infomaster [at] eken [dot] lu [dot] se (infomaster[at]eken[dot]lu[dot]se) to receive selected sections of the Financial Annual Report 2024 in English.
Prisma support can help with technical problems in creating your account
In case of technical problems in creating your account, please contact Prisma support.
Research Services
Responsible for organisational information and signatures in Prisma.
Jörgen Persson
+46 46 222 962 26
jorgen [dot] persson [at] fs [dot] lu [dot] se