Information about terms of employment under section 6c of the Employment Protection Act (1982:80)
Appendix to Appointment Decision from 29 June 2022 (updated 2024-07-03).
Information to be given to employee within seven days of employment commencing.
Terms of employment
Terms of employment (e.g. annual leave, notice periods, salary payment, compensation for overtime and additional hours etc.) are regulated by the following general agreements (VA) on pay and benefits, subject to possible local adaptations:
- VA-T Saco-S
- VA OFR/S, P, O
- VA Seko
Periods of notice are also regulated by the Job Transition Agreement.
Working hours at Lund University
In addition to the general agreements on pay and benefits referred to above (regarding average working hours per week or per day, additional hours and overtime and the compensation for such work, as well as any applicable rules about shift changes) the following local collective agreement(s) also apply.
1 Total annual working hours for teaching staff
The annual working hours for teaching staff are regulated in a local agreement on working hours for teaching staff. Total annual working hours for teaching staff are:
- 1,700 hours for employees with 35 days of annual leave (from the year you turn 40)
- 1,732 hours for employees with 31 days of annual leave (from the year you turn 30)
- 1,756 hours for employees with 28 days of annual leave (from the year you turn 29)
Teaching staff refers to the positions of professor, adjunct professor, visiting professor, professor emeritus senior lecturer, adjunct senior lecturer, associate senior lecturer, postdoctoral fellow, lecturer and adjunct lecturer. Total annual working hours are also applied, within the restrictions set out in the agreement, the Higher Education Ordinance or other statutes, to teaching assistants, clinical assistants, doctoral students and assistants in receipt of doctoral grants.
In consultation, the employee and manager produce an individual duties plan which governs the general scheduling of working hours and the allocation of work duties.
Additional hours by part time employees or overtime work should primarily be managed by reallocating working hours within the framework of total annual working hours. Payment for overtime is made only after total annual working hours have been reconciled. Professors are not entitled to overtime compensation in accordance with the local collective agreement for professors.
Total annual working hours for teacher staff at Lund University School of Aviation are determined by a schedule that is communicated at least four weeks before it takes effect.
2 Flexitime for technical and administrative staff
According to the flexitime agreement, ordinary working hours for a full-time employee are 8 hours per day, Monday to Friday (except public holidays), or an average of 40 hours per week. Flexitime in the morning is between 07:00 and 09:00; in the afternoon it is between 15:00 and 19:00. Fixed working hours are between 09:00 and 15:00.
Additional hours by part-time staff are compensated through time off in lieu.
Certain organisations within the University have fixed working hours based on their operational needs. In such cases, employees work according to the schedule decided by their manager. When working hours are assigned to an average of fewer than 5 calendar days per week, annual leave taken is calculated proportionately, according to the general agreement on salary and benefits VA/VA-T 5:10. This means that more than one day of annual leave is deducted for each day of leave taken.
3 Irregular working hours with 40 hours per week average working time
Employees who have an average working week of 40 hours duration and a job that is normally scheduled over seven days per week have irregular working hours according to a local collective agreement. Working hours on regular business days Monday to Friday are 8 per day and working time scheduled at other times may vary, as laid out in the schedule.
When an employee has worked at times other than regular business days Monday to Friday, compensatory leave is granted during the current or following week. The compensatory leave is equivalent to the number of completed hours worked.
If operations allow, irregular working hours may be combined with flexible working hours. Management will inform employees what applies in their workplace. The work schedule will be announced no later than 10 days before it starts to apply. When working hours are assigned to an average of fewer than 5 calendar days per week, annual leave taken is calculated proportionately, according to the general agreement on salary and benefits VA/VA-T 5:10. This means that more than one day of annual leave is deducted for each day of leave taken.
4 Irregular working hours with 38 hours per week average working time
Employees who have an average working week of 38 hours duration and a job that is normally scheduled over seven days per week have irregular working hours according to a local collective agreement. The working time per day may vary, as listed in the schedule.
If operations allow irregular working hours may be combined with flexible working hours. Management will inform employees what applies in their workplace. The work schedule will be announced no later than 10 days before it starts to apply. When working hours are assigned to an average of fewer than 5 calendar days per week, annual leave taken is calculated proportionately, according to the general agreement on salary and benefits VA/VA-T 5:10.
Information about terms of employment under section 6c of the Employment Protection Act (1982:80) Appendix to Appointment Decision from 29 June 2022 (updated 2024-07-03). Information to be given to employee within seven days of employment commencing.
This information is to be provided to the employee within seven calendar days of the start of their employment.
general agreement on salary and benefits VA/VA-T 5:10. This means that more than one day of annual leave is deducted for each day of leave taken.
5 Irregular working hours for work involving the care of animals
Employees who have an average working week of 37 hours duration and a job that involves the care of animals have irregular working hours according to a local collective agreement. The working time per day may vary, as listed in the schedule.
If operations allow, irregular working hours may be combined with flexible working hours. Management will inform employees what applies in their workplace. The work schedule will be announced no later than 10 days before it starts to apply. When working hours are assigned to an average of fewer than 5 calendar days per week, annual leave taken is calculated proportionately, according to the general agreement on salary and benefits VA/VA-T 5:10. This means that more than one day of annual leave is deducted for each day of leave taken.
6 Irregular working hours for operational personnel at Max IV
Employees who have an average working week of between 34 and 38 hours duration and a job that is normally scheduled over seven days per week have irregular working hours according to a local collective agreement. Work can be allotted in several ways; the average weekly working hours then vary.
- 34 hours for permanent night-time working
- 36 hours for work on a continuous three-shift pattern
- 37 hours for work on a continuous two-shift pattern
- 38 hours for work on an intermittent three-shift pattern
The working time per day may vary: as listed in the schedule and depending on which shift pattern is applicable. The work schedule is to be announced no later than four weeks before it comes into effect. When working hours are assigned to an average of fewer than 5 calendar days per week, annual leave taken is calculated proportionately, according to the general agreement on salary and benefits VA/VA-T 5:10. This means that more than one day of annual leave is deducted for each day of leave taken.
7 Unregulated working hours in accordance with the collective agreement for management staff
For employment as deputy vice-chancellor, pro vice chancellor, university director, director of human resources, head of auditing or dean, unregulated working hours apply, in accordance with the central collective agreement for management staff.
8 Working hours in the case of short and temporary employment
In cases of a short and temporary employment agreement, ordinary working hours are those given in the offer of employment. Working hours are fixed and are reported according to procedure.
Student workers
Student workers can be employed for a maximum of 25% of a full-time position, 40 hours per week on average.
Student employees mainly work so-called office hours and the manager determines the organisation of working hours in consultation with the student employee in accordance with the central agreement on fixed-term employment as a student employee. Account is taken of compulsory elements in the student's programme.
Working hours are fixed. When work is scheduled on an average of fewer than 5 calendar days per week, the holiday entitlement is calculated in accordance with VA/VA-T 5:10. This means that more than one day of holiday is needed for each day of leave taken.
Starting salary
Starting salary is the monthly salary for full-time employment as stated in the appointment decision. Other employee benefits which the employee is entitled to are regulated by an applicable agreement on pay and benefits or local collective agreement (for example unsocial hours supplement and supplements for evening and weekend teaching by teaching staff).
Payment of salary
Your current salary is normally paid on the 25th of each month. Payment is made through the bank with which Lund University has an agreement.
The employee is entitled to such training as is appropriate to the role, for example education in work environment legislation that is relevant to the job.
Primary work duties
Primary work duties are currently those listed in the vacancy announcement and duties that can be said to fall within the scope of your employment. The work duties of certain categories of employee are also regulated by laws, ordinances or collective agreements.
- For teaching staff, refer to the Higher Education Act (1992:1434), the Higher Education Ordinance (1993:100) and collective agreements.
- For postdoctoral fellows, refer to the central collective agreement on fixed-term employment as a postdoctoral fellow.
- For doctoral students, teaching assistants and clinical assistants, refer to the Higher Education Ordinance (1993:100).
- For adjunct teaching staff, refer to the central collective agreement for adjunct teaching staff.
Employer contributions and social security
The employee pays contributions in accordance with the Social Security Charges Act (2000:980), which also provide the employee with social protections in the form of
- sick pay, in accordance with the Sick Pay Act (1991:1047)
- benefits in the case of sick leave or parental leave, according to the general agreement on pay and benefits referred to above.
- benefits in accordance with collective agreements such as the Occupational Pensions Agreement PA 16, the Job Transition Agreement, the Compensation for Personal Injury Agreement PSA and the Government Service Group Life Insurance, TGL-S.
Central and local collective agreements
In addition to the general agreement on pay and benefits referred to above, the employee is also covered by the provisions of other central collective agreements that apply to state employees. Read more on the Swedish Agency for Government Employers’ (SAGE) website,, and in the local collective agreements which the employer has entered into with the support of a central agreement or after delegation from SAGE.
The information on Staff Pages about being employed at Lund University is based on the content of local agreements and can be found under the tab Employment:
Ending employment
You can read about how to end employment and what each party should take into account in sections 4 and 4a, sections 34-37 and sections 40-42 of the Employment Protection Act. In addition, sections 8-11 of the Public Employment Act and applicable regulations in the general agreement on pay and benefits listed under the heading Terms of employment above also apply.