Student barometer survey and other investigations
Lund University carries out different evaluations, investigations and studies that contribute empirical evidence for the systematic quality assurance work. The results often lead to measures taken by, for example, the Education Board or the faculties.
The university-wide investigations are carried out and coordinated by the Education Strategy Support in collaboration with the faculties and the students’ unions. Investigations are also carried out at the faculties, which are specifically aimed at their respective students. Read more about the faculties’ quality assurance work on their own websites.
Quality assurance work at the faculties
Please note: You can get in touch with Amanda Bjernestedt if you would like to read a report.
First year student surveys
The university-wide investigations of first year students are carried out through regular surveys and are aimed at new students at all faculties. The students are asked to answer a number of general questions and a number of faculty-specific questions. The results are presented at the university-wide level and at the faculty level. The survey will be conducted in autumn 2024.
A report with results from the 2015–2021 surveys is available via the contact person above.
The student barometer survey
The aim of the student barometer survey is to capture the students’ experiences of Lund University from different perspectives. The latest student barometer survey was carried out in 2017-2018.
Lund University participates in the International Student Barometer (ISB) survey, which is carried out regularly in collaboration with over 200 higher education institutions around the world. The ISB focuses on international students’ experiences from application to graduation.
Doctoral student and third-cycle education evaluations
Since autumn 2019, a survey has been sent out to all doctoral students in conjunction with their public defences. In the survey, the doctoral students have the opportunity to answer questions on their experiences of third-cycle education at Lund University. The results from the survey are reported annually to the Research Programmes Board.
Åsa Ekberg
Head of Office
+46 46 222 91 68
asa [dot] ekberg [at] stu [dot] lu [dot] se
Amanda Bjernestedt
Policy officer
+46 46 222 70 62
amanda [dot] bjernestedt [at] stu [dot] lu [dot] se (amanda[dot]bjernestedt[at]stu[dot]lu[dot]se)
Education Strategy Support
Visiting address: Sandgatan 3, Lund
Postal address: Box 117, 221 00 Lund
Service point: 31