Sustainability, climate and environment
With its nine faculties and breadth of research, Lund University has a unique opportunity to respond to each of the challenges described in Agenda 2030. It is through the creation and dissemination of scientific and artistic knowledge that we can make the most significant difference to solving the global challenges. We also strive to be a sustainable organisation. This means that we are to offer a good, secure, safe and accessible work environment and that we are to be a resource-efficient organisation with a minimised impact on climate and the environment. We see gender equality, equal opportunities and diversity as strengths.
Page content:
- Policy for sustainable development
- Strategy for sustainable development
- Sustainability plan 2020-2026
- Climate framework for higher education institutions
- Sustainable development in the annual report
- Annual environmental report
- Systematic sustainability work
Policy for sustainable development
The sustainability policy is the basis for the work on environment and sustainability.
Lund University’s policy for sustainable development (PDF 33 kB, new tab)
The policy states that the University’s wish and ambition is to be a driving force for sustainable development and to contribute to achieving the sustainability goals in Agenda 2030.
Read more about the global sustainability goals and Agenda 2030 at
Strategy for sustainable development
The University has adopted a long-term sustainability strategy for 2019-2026, which applies to all of the University’s activities and all members of staff. The aim of the strategy is to provide direction and establish a number of visions, but not to regulate in detail how they are to be implemented.
Lund University’s strategy for sustainable development (PDF 510 kB, new tab)
The overall visions in the strategy are:
- sustainable development is to be integrated into education, research, external engagement and organisational development
- employees are to be very aware of their roles in sustainability work
- the University is involved in development projects, virtual or physical forums and different external engagement activities together with other higher education institutions, the business sector and civil society so that scientific knowledge can provide leverage in society’s striving for sustainability
- the University is a prominent voice within research and teaching as well as in public debate and cultural life
- through good communication, our organisation is visible and transparent
Sustainability plan 2020-2026
Each faculty and organisational unit is responsible for drawing up an action plan that describes how it will implement the University’s sustainability strategy.
This sustainability plan is to establish concrete goals and initiatives to achieve the overall objectives of the sustainability strategy.
Here you will find the University’s general action plan which contains goals for first and second cycle education, research studies, research, external engagement and management and support organisations.
With its sustainability plan, Lund University aims to show that essential steps are being taken towards a sustainable organisation and a sustainable society. The plan is also a support for all the faculties and organisational units that are to draw up their own sustainability plans. The plan is to be revised in 2022, 2024 and 2026, which opens up opportunities to further raise the level of ambition and to add activities in the next few years.
Sustainability Plan Lund University 2020-2026, revised 2023 (PDF 3,8 MB, new tab)
Climate framework for higher education institutions
Lund University has adopted the Climate framework for higher education institutions.
The Climate framework is a framework for climate strategies that aims for higher education institutions in Sweden to continue to contribute to combat climate change through education, research and external engagement. Concurrently, the University is to reduce its own climate impact in line with society’s commitment as expressed in national and international agreements.
This means that by 2030, all the higher education institution signatories to the Climate Framework are to have implemented measures in order to be in line with the 1.5°C target. For Lund University, this means that our climate-impacting emissions are to be heavily reduced. More specific goal setting and measures are being drawn up in the sustainability plan.
Read more about Higher educations' climate network on the SLU website
Sustainable development in the annual report
You can read about our sustainable development work over the past year in the annual report. The Sustainable Development section describes activities within education, research, external engagement as well as the organisation’s internal work.
Find the annual report on the Annual and interim reports page
Annual environmental report
At the beginning of every year, the University submits a report on its environmental management work to the Government (the Ministry of Education and Research) and to the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency. In the report, you can read about the University’s efforts over the past year to achieve the environmental goals in the sustainability plan.
Lund University’s environmental report 2023, in Swedish (PDF 345 kB, new tab)
The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, which is the coordinating authority, subsequently compiles a report on the environmental management work of all public authorities. This report is published in April every year.
Systematic sustainability work
To support the process of becoming a sustainable organisation, there is an environmental management system that provides a systematic way to prioritise, implement and continuously improve our sustainability work.
Claes Nilén
Environmental manager
+46 46 222 41 59
claes [dot] nilen [at] bygg [dot] lu [dot] se
Maria Nilsson
Environmental coordinator
+46 46 222 70 82
maria [dot] nilsson [at] bygg [dot] lu [dot] se
Environmental report 2023
The university has completed or is on track with most of the activities to achieve the objectives of the sustainability plan. Read more in the report:
Sustainability forum
The sustainability forum brings together and supports the University’s climate, energy and sustainability research, as well as acting as bridge for sustainability issues.
Read more on the Sustainability Forum website.
Lund University has adopted the Climate Framework
Read more on the undertakings covered by the Climate Framework for higher education institutes on the KTH Royal Institute of Technology website.