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Erasmus+ staff training

Develop your professional role in Europe

The Erasmus+ programme supports the professional development of HEI teaching and non-teaching staff as well as the development of involved institutions. All employees at Lund University can apply for Erasmus+ funding for staff training in Europe.

Erasmus+ Staff Training may take the form of training events abroad and job shadowing/observation periods/training/Staff Weeks at a partner HEI, or at another relevant organisation or company in Europe.

Application periods

Applications will be reviewed during the following periods:

  • 1 September to 15 December
  • 15 January to 30 June

It can take up to two weeks to receive formal approval of Erasmus+ funding. Therefore, please submit your application in good time before the activity/mobility starts.

Please note that the Erasmus+ scholarship must be applied for and granted before departure, i.e., it cannot be applied for retroactively.

Countries you can travel to in Europe

Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain.

Third countries associated to the Erasmus+ programme 

Iceland, Liechtenstein, North Macedonia, Norway, Serbia, Türkiye.

Staff training in Switzerland and the UK

Lund University can now offer a limited number of Erasmus scholarships for staff training in Switzerland and the UK. In order to be granted Erasmus+ funding to Switzerland and the UK, a programme/activity of at least 5 working days is required.

If the receiving organisation is a university, a bilateral Erasmus+ agreement is also needed.

Search for partner universities in Europe in SoleMove

Read more about Staff Training Weeks on the EU Commission website

To apply for Erasmus+ funding, you must be employed at Lund University at least 50%.

The budget of the EU/UHR can vary from year to year. Precedence is given to applicants who have not previously been granted funds for staff training. Individual applicants and applications with a maximum of two participants are given precedence over group applications. Applicants who choose to visit the same partner university, organisation or company on repeated occasions will not be given priority.

An LU employee/unit organises an activity and programme for the receiving organisation on their own

  • If more than 5 people from the same unit are travelling to the same destination during the same period, green mobility is strongly recommended, and these applications are prioritised.
  • If more than 5 people from different units/faculties travel to the same destination during the same period, green mobility is encouraged.

An external partner, network or project organises an activity and programme (for example a Staff Week)

  • Green mobility is encouraged. In addition to a higher travel contribution, up to 6 travel days can be approved.

The stay must be for a minimum of 2 working days. The maximum period granted is normally 1–2 weeks.

For job shadowing, a maximum of 5 working days applies (Monday-Friday).

If the destination of your trip is to one of the member universities of the EUGLOH alliance, funds may be granted for longer periods.

Read more about EUGLOH and which universities are part of the collaboration

The staff must stay in the host country during the mobility. This also applies to mobilities in Denmark. If the mobility takes place in Denmark, hotel receipt or similar must be uploaded to the Erasmus database under “Other documents”.

Applications will be reviewed during the following periods:

  • 1 September to 15 December
  • 15 January to 30 June

It can take up to two weeks to receive formal approval of Erasmus+ funding. Therefore, please submit your application in good time before the activity/mobility starts. If you have questions, please contact ErasmusStaff [at] er [dot] lu [dot] se (ErasmusStaff[at]er[dot]lu[dot]se)

Please note that the Erasmus+ scholarship must be applied for and granted before departure, i.e., it cannot be applied for retroactively.

In addition to information about yourself and the host institution, an application must provide answers to the following:

  • Overall objectives of the mobility
  • Added value of the mobility (in the context of the modernisation and internationalisation strategies of the institutions involved)
  • Activities to be carried out (including the virtual component, if applicable)
  • Expected outcomes and impact (e g on the professional development of the staff member and on both institutions)

The application is made in several steps:

  1. Log in to (if for the first time, you are asked to register and create an account)
  2. Under Make a new application – select the Staff Training (STT) application form
  3. Fill in your details and create an application
  4. Your application now ends up under Active applications – you can always go back and change your application if necessary
  5. Under Required actions, you will find further instructions:
    1. Mobility Agreement generated when you have completed your application – is downloaded, signed (three signatures: yours, your manager's and responsible person at the receiving university/organisation/company) and uploaded again
    2. Grant Agreement – proof that you have been granted Erasmus+ funding when it has been signed by the Erasmus+ Coordinator
    3. Certificate of Attendance – print out your CoA and take it with you to the host institution for signature. The document must be uploaded in the application system again, once you are back from your mobility period.
    4. Green Mobility to destination – upload tickets
    5. Green Mobility to Sweden – upload tickets
    6. Confirmation of Travel / Accounting information

Towards the end of your mobility period, you will receive an e-mail from the EU Commission with a link to a Participant Survey which you are obliged to answer.

When all the steps have been completed and the information is complete, the granted funds will be transferred to your department.

Please note!
The Erasmus grant is not to be used to cover course or conference fees.

Funding comprises an amount based on the duration of the stay (daily subsistence allowance) and a travel allowance based on the distance between the home university and the receiving institution according to the EU Commission’s distance calculation. You can also receive compensation for travelling days to and from the destination.  

The two parts form together the grant that will be transferred to the department upon return from the mobility. The grant from the Erasmus programme is not intended to cover all the costs for the trip. It is important that you come to an agreement with your division manager/head of department about how you will cover the costs of the exchange that may exceed the scholarship amount. In the case not all funding is used, it will be kept by the department.

One part of the grant is based on the distance between Lund and the city of the destination. The sums below cover both ways, but they are based on the single way. To calculate the distance, the Distance calculator of the European Union should be used.

Link to EU Distance Calculator – distance calculation to destination

The daily amount is a grant to cover costs for hotel, allowance, etc. It is based on the number of days (full time) that the staff training takes place.

Link to Erasmus+ Programme Guide on (UHR – the Swedish National Agency for Erasmus+)

See the amounts in the tables at the bottom of this page.

The funds are paid to your division/department after the final documentation is received. Payments are made according to the currency exchange rate that applied when the funds were received by Lund University. To receive payment for your trip, you submit a travel expense report in Primula.

Link to EU Distance Calculator – distance calculation to destination

Contribution towards travel

Travel distance - Travel from Lund University to the city of the hosting institution (one way)Grant per person for a return tripGreen Travel 
Trips between:  
10 and 99 km28 EUR56 EUR
100 and 499 km211 EUR285 EUR
500 and 1999 km309 EUR417 EUR
2000 and 2999 km395 EUR535 EUR
3000 and 3999 km580 EUR785 EUR
4000 and 7999 km1188 EUR1188 EUR
8000 or more1735 EUR1735 EUR

Daily amount per country

Receiving countryAmount per day during the first 14 daysAmount per day from day 15 to day 60
Group 1  
Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Lichtenstein, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Switzerland, UK.180 EUR126 EUR
Group 2  
Cyprus, Czechia, Estonia, Greece, Latvia, Malta, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain.160 EUR112 EUR
Group 3  
Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary, Lithuania, North Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Türkiye.140 EUR98 EUR


ErasmusStaff [at] er [dot] lu [dot] se

Erasmus Charter for Higher Education

Erasmus code

Charter number
101013090 – LU


Erasmus Charter 2021–2027 for Lund University (PDF 315 kB, new tab)

Erasmus Policy at Lund University