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16/5: The place of art and culture at Swedish universities

Illustration. Catrin Jacobsson.

Welcome to a one-day seminar in the series 'Conversations about art and science' aimed at employees and students from all parts of Lund University.

This time, representatives of a number of Swedish higher education institutions have been invited, where art and culture have been highlighted in new contexts. In addition to providing an insight into how different universities have worked to include art and culture in their activities, the seminar will also summarize the work carried out so far to implement Lund University's strategy for cultural collaboration 2018–2026.

16 May 2022 10:00 to 17:00 | Seminar

The moderator is Katja Lindqvist, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Service Management and Service Studies, Campus Helsingborg.

The lectures are given in both Swedish and English, marked below.

Register your participation before 13 May with an e-mail to lena [dot] landgren [at] ub [dot] lu [dot] se.


10-10:10 Welcome, Anki Wallengren, vicerektor för utbildning & kultur, LU

10:10-10:45 Anna Lyrevik, rektorsråd, LU: Varför jobbar Lunds universitet med kultursamverkan? En bakgrund

10:45-11:00 Cofee

11:00-11:35 Sanne Kofod Olsen, dean for Faculty of Fine, Applied and Performing Arts, University of Gothenburg (In English)

11:40-12:15 Christina Dahlgren, director artium, LnU: Det kulturella universitetet – i bildningens tjänst

12:15-13:15 Lunch

13:15-13:50 Roberto Bresin, director for Navet , KTH: A hub to navigate unexplored regions between art, technology and design (in English)

13:55-14:30 Ele Carpenter, director for Umarts, UmU: UmArts: Building an interdisciplinary research community (in English)

14:30-15:00 Coffee

15:00-15:35 Richard Julin, director for Accelerator, SU: Accelerator – en presentation

15:40-16:15 Tinni Rappe, Executive Director Art Initiative, HH: Samtida konst på en Handelshögskola?

16:15-17:00 Round-up

Information about the English speakers

Sanne Kofod Olsen is an art historian and dean of Faculty of Fine, Applied and Performing Arts at Gothenburg University. She has been the vice-chancellor of the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Art, Schools of Visual Art & Kunsthal Charlottenborg in Copenhagen; Director at Museum for Contemporary Art in Roskilde and Dean at Funen Art Academy. Before this she was employed at the Danish Art Foundation apart from being a freelancing curator and writer.

She has among others been member of the Danish Arts Foundation Council, Novo Nordisk Research Foundation’s Committee for art historical and artistic research and at present member of Bikuben Foundations Committee for Academic Guest House in New York as well as chair in the Swedish Network for Art Education, Konstext.

Kofod Olsen has contemporary fine arts as her research area, with special focus on performance and conceptual art practices.

The Faculty of Fine, Applied and Performing Arts was established in 1999, 22 years after a handful of art institutions had become a part of Gothenburg University as part of the new Higher Education Act in 1977. Since 2001 with its own research education. More were to follow. In 2027 when the faculty, that now consists of two institutions, will move in together in a new building, we can also celebrate 50 years as a part of Gothenburg University. What kind of impact has the arts faculty had on Academia and GU as such after all these years? These are the questions that will be speculated on in the lecture.

Roberto Bresin is Professor of Media Technology at the Division of Media Technology and Interaction Design (MID), School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS), since 2014, and I am heading the Sound and Music Computing group. Since January 2016, I am Director of Studies (Programansvarig) for the Degree Programme in Media Technology. Since June 2019, I am Director of NAVET, a new KTH center for research art, technology and design.

Ele Carpenter is Professor of Interdisciplinary Art & Culture, and Director of UmArts working directly with the School of Architecture, School of Art, School of Design, the Department of Creative Arts and Bildmuseet to support and develop new arts research.

Ele Carpenter is a research-based curator and scholar of interdisciplinary politicised art and social networks of making, with over 25 years curatorial experience in public museums and galleries, research networks and academic contexts. She is convenor of the international Nuclear Culture Research Group; a member of the AHRC Research Network for Nuclear Cultural Heritage in partnership with the University of Kingston and Linköping University, Sweden; and Visiting Research Fellow, Institute of the Arts, University of Cumbria, UK. She regularly advises on the inclusion of radioactive materials in contemporary artworks, and 2019 she was awarded her Radiation Protection Supervisor Certificate.

Ele Carpenter will describe her curatorial approach to building an interdisciplinary research community with art at the centre. UmArts works with the Departments of Art, Design, Architecture and Creative Studies at Umeå University in partnership with Bildmuseet.