Creativity is one of our watchwords, and our creative juices have been flowing in the extensive Knowledge and Innovation Community (KIC) application in which the University has been taking part alongside around one hundred other exciting actors at the local, regional and international levels.
The call for applications regarding resources is one of the largest of its kind in European history focused on the creative and cultural industries – totalling SEK 800 million over 15 years. We will know the result after the summer, but even if we don’t manage to go the distance, the University will have opened new doors to exploring the interaction between culture and creativity.
On 29 April, you will have the opportunity to find out more and see all the exciting projects we are working on with these external partners.
The event is aimed at anyone who wants to be part of this network of creators and friends; actors in the cultural sector, researchers, entrepreneurs, collaborators, partners, students, the general public etc.
We are only just starting this exciting journey!
Sign up for the event, digitally or on-site: The Buzz of Europe - a Day in the Spirit of Art, Culture, Science and Innovation | Lund University.
There has been a lot of interest and only a few places remain for the in-person event at the Main University Building auditorium, but it will be possible to join us digitally.
Hope to see you there!
/ Kristina Eneroth
Read more
- The KIC application is timely – culture is Europe’s heart and soul – Erik Renström (Staff Pages)
- Lund has key Swedish role in ‘creative futures’ grant bid (
- Lund University aims to be part of the world’s largest investment in culture and innovation | Lund University (in Swedish)