According to a Vice-Chancellor’s decision on 16 January this year, strong authentication is to be used for the shared IT services at Lund University. Strong authentication entails both high login security and high security around identification of the user. The decision states that the main option for achieving strong authentication will be Freja+. It is one of the Swedish e-IDs that supports users with a Swedish personal identity number as well as international users.
The decision applies to all staff, but not to students.
Strong authentication is already used today in several IT services at Lund University, and about a thousand employees are already using it. More IT services will receive strong authentication, starting from mid-March. More information on how to get started, guides and answers to frequently asked questions will be available soon.
A list and timeline of affected IT services will also be provided.
More information, guides etc (updated continuously) will be published on Staff Pages soon.
Read more about Freja+: Freja+