The THE ranking is based on 13 indicators across five areas. One factor that weighs heavily is the evaluation surveys sent to teaching staff and researchers from other higher education institutions who list the 15 most important universities, and another is citations.
In total, there are around 17,000 higher education institutions around the world and of these, Times Higher ranks around 2,000 from 108 different countries. Lund University is ranked number 2 in Sweden.
In recent years, Lund University has improved its ranking with all the major international ranking organisations. Lund University is rated in the top 100 in the THE and the QS (placed 75). In 2024, Lund University achieved a significant improvement in the ARWU ranking, also known as the Shanghai ranking (101-150). Also worth mentioning is Lund University’s ranking at 8 in the world on the QS WUR: Sustainability.
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See also the new web page for rankings: The University’s ranking |