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Other types of leave

This page provides information about other types of leave.

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You can apply for leave as needed; certain types of leave may be granted with pay.

How to apply for leave

To apply for leave, you should submit an application to your line manager. If you are only going to be absent for a few hours, for example for a doctor’s appointment, it may be sufficient to make a note of this on your flexitime form. 

Irrespective of the length of the period of leave, you must always speak to your manager beforehand.

Apply for leave in SSC Primula

There are a few (unusual) types of authorised leave that are not included in Primula; these can be applied for under "Other types of leave" on a paper form called Application for leave, on the page Staff forms and templates.

Staff forms and templates

The types of leave specified below can be granted under certain circumstances while retaining your salary. Your manager approves these types of leave; 

  • Visits to a doctor, to the University’s Occupational Health Service, to outpatient care or maternity care and for blood donation, if you cannot attend outside work hours 
  • Emergency dental care and examination or treatment after referral from a dentist or doctor, if you cannot attend outside work hours 
  • Visits to maternity care for your who are going to become a parent, but are not the one who is pregnant. If necessary, you may be on leave without salary deduction on two occasions per child.
  • Cases of serious illness, deaths, funerals within your immediate family or among close relatives (maximum 10 working days per calendar year). Cases of serious illness are defined as illnesses of a life-threatening nature or medical emergencies. This does not cover leave for other reasons connected to the illness of a relative, such as caring for the patient. 
  • Moving house, if a relocation allowance is paid out by the employer when the workplace location changes without the employee's own wish (maximum 3 working days)
  • Moving house in other cases (one working day)
  • Trade union assignments (maximum 10 working days per calendar year)

Cases of serious illness

Cases of serious illness are defined as illnesses of a life-threatening nature or medical emergencies. This does not cover leave for other reasons connected to the illness of a relative, such as caring for the patient.

Unpaid leave

The Ordinance respecting Leave of Absence regulates or lays down additional rules on the following types of leave:

  • Leave for international secondments etc.
  • Parental leave
  • Leave for certain local government assignments
  • Leave for trade union representation

Leave can also be granted in other situations, on the condition that there are valid reasons and it is not detrimental to the University’s activities.

Other fixed-term employment as a government employee

Leave is to be granted in accordance with a central collective agreement. If you are employed for an indefinite term as a government employee and are covered by the general agreement on pay and benefits for government employees, you are entitled to take leave for another fixed-term position as a government employee if the fixed-term position is covered by the same agreement. The fixed term is two years with an exception for positions that have longer fixed terms in accordance with the Higher Education Ordinance (such as visiting professor or associate senior lecturer).

You must have been employed for one year before you are entitled to this leave and you must inform the employer at least two months beforehand. To be entitled to the leave in question again, you must have resumed your employment for an indefinite term at the University and subsequently work for at least one year.

Those employed for an indefinite term are also entitled to leave in order to take up a position as an expert at the Government Offices of Sweden or to be a member of the Riksdag (Swedish Parliament).

Leave for those who are not employed for an indefinite term

If you are not employed for an indefinite term, you may be granted leave for another position as a government employee for six months if this is approved by your manager. If there are valid reasons, a longer period of leave may be granted. 


As a rule, you are entitled to leave for study purposes. You have the right to take study leave for the entire year, but you can also limit your leave to the semester period. There is normally no remuneration from your employer during this type of leave.

One condition is that the studies undertaken follow a syllabus or similar plan and include teaching.

The application for leave is to be submitted as early as possible. Your employer may be entitled to postpone the leave for up to six months.

If you choose to withdraw from your studies, you have the right to return to work. You must allow for a certain delay in this. If your period of leave has lasted over a year, your employer has the right to postpone your return to work for a month. If your period of leave has lasted for a shorter period of time, your employer can postpone your return for two weeks.

Political assignments

You are entitled to unpaid leave for assignments as a member of the Riksdag (Swedish Parliament) or other political assignments in local or regional government from the day you enter office until the day you leave office. You must inform your line manager of the assignment and its scope as early as possible.

Military service

As a rule, leave for military service is unpaid. However, there are some exceptions in connection with, for example, refresher training.

Private matters

You can also apply for leave for what is usually termed "private matters". This could be testing a job with another employer or travelling, or any other reason not listed above. However, leave for such reasons is not an entitlement.


Contact your line manager or the HR function at your organisational unit if you have any questions concerning employment or your organisational unit’s procedures for HR matters.

Primula support

In Primula Web you can carry out many tasks relating to your employment, including applying for annual leave, viewing your salary statements, reporting secondary employment and submitting a declaration of illness.

Log in to Primula

SSC Portal

In the SSC Portal you can find information about operational disruptions and planned interruptions to services for upgrades, in Primula. 

Log in to SSC Client Portal

Call ext. 29 000, press 3. You need to identify yourself with BankID to receive answers to personal information that, for example, concerns your payslip. If you do not identify yourself, you will receive the answers to your questions in a case in the SSC Portal.

External call, from a personal telephone +46 (0)46 222 90 00, press 3)