Health and safety representatives, health and safety committees
Here you will find information on your local health and safety representative, your principal health and safety representatives, health and safety committees, and the responsibilities they each have. You can also read about the election of Health and Safety representatives.
Content on this page:
- Your local health and safety representative
- Health and safety committees
- Election of Health and Safety representatives
Your local health and safety representative
Your local health and safety representative is there to represent you as an employee and is to take part in preventive work environment management in your workplace. If you notice shortcomings in your work environment, point them out to your manager and your health and safety representative.
The duties of the health and safety representative include participation in
- planning of changes that affect your work environment,
- health and safety inspections,
- investigations into incidents and occupational injuries.
Principal health and safety representatives
The principal health and safety representatives coordinate the health and safety representatives within each area of responsibility. You can also find out who is your principal health and safety representative by consulting the list of elected health and safety representatives.
Chief health and safety representative
The three employee organisations have each appointed their own chief health and safety representative, who can be contacted via email universitetets_overskyddsombud [at] hr [dot] lu [dot] se
Roles and duties
You will find information on the respective roles and duties of the health and safety representatives, the principal health and safety representatives and the chief health and safety representatives on the Swedish HR web.
Roles in work environment management on the HR web (in Swedish)
Students have their own student health and safety representatives
Read more about student health and safety representatives on the Lund University web site
Health and safety committees
Health and safety committees are advisory bodies to the employer at the faculty and university-wide levels. The health and safety committees consist of representatives of the employer and the employees who meet to discuss overarching work environment issues.
Lund University has health and safety committees at two levels:
- Local health and safety committees at the faculty level
- A central health and safety committee at the university-wide level
Read more about the central health and safety committee at Lund University below.
As the head of a public authority, the Vice-Chancellor has primary responsibility for the work environment at Lund University. The Vice-Chancellor, or the person appointed by the Vice-Chancellor, is the chair of the Central Health and Safety Committee. The pro vice-chancellor for communication, integrity and character has been the chair since January 2021.
The Central Health and Safety Committee is to act as a collaborative body between the employer and representatives of the employees in matters concerning planning, implementation and follow-up of systematic work environment management at the University.
The Central Health and Safety Committee is to participate in the planning of work environment management and, on the basis of the University’s Work Environment Policy, initiate and follow up measures relating to the University’s work environment management.
The duties of the Central Health and Safety Committee are regulated by statute.
Members of the Central Health and Safety Committee
- Jimmie Kristensson, pro vice-chancellor (chair)
- Marie Härstedt, HR director (member)
- Åsa Bergenudd, head of LU Estates (member)
- Anna Helmer, HR Division (substitute for the HR director)
- Fredrik Bexell, LU Estates (substitute for the head of LU Estates )
- Bengt Meuller (chief health and safety representative )
- Isabell Bohlin (member)
- Agneta Sanmartin (chief health and safety representative)
- Johan Stenmark (member)
- Heba Elali (chief health and safety representative)
- Ingrid Lagerborg (member)
Student representatives
- Anton Silverbern (chief student health and safety representative)
- Erik af Klinteberg (student representative)
Election of health and safety representatives
The current term of office for safety representatives expires on 31 December 2026.
Who can vote?
All employees are eligible to vote and can vote.
The election process
Elections of health and safety representatives and their substitutes are conducted in three stages: nomination, election procedure at the workplace and formal election by the employee organisations.
Stage 1: Nomination of health and safety representatives and substitutes
The head of department/equivalent provides information about the upcoming election and invites the employees to nominate candidates, i.e. to submit proposals for a health and safety representative and a substitute within their own protection area. Some protection areas include activities from several departments. In these cases, the heads of department/equivalents concerned must collaborate in organising the nominations and election process.
Employees can nominate new or existing health and safety representative. They may also nominate themselves.
Please note that only employees who are members of the employee organisations with which the University has collective agreements (Saco/S, Seko, OFR/S) are appointed as health and safety representatives.
The head of department/equivalent/nomination coordinator emails the nominated candidates from the protected area to skyddsombudsval [at] hr [dot] lu [dot] se NOTE! Specify NOMINATION in the title line of the email.
The proposals for nominees that have been agreed in the workplace are to be sent to the following email address: skyddsombudsval [at] hr [dot] lu [dot] se State the protection area, the health and safety representative (name, email, employee organisation) and substitute (name, email, employee organisation).
The nominated candidates are confirmed as eligible by the employee organisations with collective agreements at LU, via an email to the workplace. The election procedure can then be implemented in the workplace.
Stage 2: Election procedure in the workplace
The head of department/equivalent sends out a summons in good time to all employees in the relevant protection area, no later than two weeks before the election day. The head of department/equivalent also ensures that an election official is appointed.
An election report is compiled by the person appointed as the election official.
The election report and attendance list are to be registered at the workplace. Once the election procedure is complete, the proposals for health and safety representatives are sent to skyddsombudsval [at] hr [dot] lu [dot] se. State the protection area, the health and safety representative (name, email, employee organisation) and substitute (name, email, employee organisation).
Stage 3: Formal election of health and safety representative and substitute
The employee organisations appoint the health and safety representatives collectively, on the basis of the proposals sent in from the election procedure. When the employee organisations have appointed the health and safety representatives, they send out an email to the head of department/equivalent responsible for the election and to the health and safety representative to confirm that the election process is complete. The confirmation, or the message that the election has not been approved, is to be sent out no later than one month after the submission of the proposed candidates for appointment.
Election of the principal health and safety representative
Once the election of health and safety representatives is complete, the employee organisations ensure the appointment of the principal health and safety representative. The principal health and safety representative is appointed from among the elected health and safety representatives within the principal protection area.
Training for health and safety representatives
Safety representatives are offered a basic work environment training programme, which has been developed in collaboration between the safety representatives, the HR Division and the occupational health service. The training contains two parts – a digital part and a workshop (both in Swedish).
The digital part is available in the Professional Development Portal and involves self-study that can be completed at any time.
The second part, the workshop, is carried out several times a year and the safety officer registers for it via the Professional Development Portal (Kompetensportalen).
A by-election must be carried out if the elected safety representative ends his or her assignment before the mandate period has expired. A by-election is conducted in the same way as a safety representative election.
Bengt Meuller
Chief health and safety representative
+46 46 222 39 73
Heba Elali
Chief health and safety representative
+46 73 346 15 70
Agneta SanMartin
Chief health and safety representative
+46 46 222 15 34
universitetets_overskyddsombud [at] hr [dot] lu [dot] se (universitetets_overskyddsombud[at]hr[dot]lu[dot]se)
List of elected health and safety representatives at Lund University, in Swedish (PDF, new tab)
To be a health and safety representative at Lund University
Marcus Tegler works as a study administrator at the Faculties of Humanities and Theology and is also a health and safety representative.
What is most enjoyable and most important about being a health and safety representative?
- It is great fun to meet other health and safety representatives and get inspiration, but also to meet others who have the same attitude as me to feeling safe and comfortable in the workplace”, says Marcus. “Of course it is also great to have the ability to improve things.
- The most important thing for me is for my colleagues within the University to do well, to thrive and feel safe in their workplace. Above all, I want them to know that I am at their disposal as a resource and a help. If I can contribute, with the authority I have as a health and safety representative, to making the workplace into a better and safer environment, then I feel I have done a good deed and worked towards maintaining a good workplace and work environment.