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Editors of Research output

This page is aimed at you who are Editor of Research Output. On this page you will find information about how and why your work in LUCRIS is an important part.

Your work with research output is important

As a an editor of Research output, you are responsible for ensuring that the metadata on all publications and other research output are correct in LUCRIS. Because of your work, ensuring that the information is accurate and follows our common practices, it becomes accessible and facilitates reuse. You ensure that the information is so detailed that users can find it, that it is useful as a basis for reports for analysis, and can be exported, for example to SwePub (the national search service for research output).

The task of reviewing

You need the administrative role "Editor of research output" to be able to review. The university library offers courses in how to review and validate every semester. Contact the LUCRIS support to participate.

Your tasks as an Editor are

  • Perform review and quality assurance of metadata in accordance with practices and guidelines.
  • Facilitate and support researchers when entering data into LUCRIS. As reviewer and support for questions regarding registration of research output, you have an important task of communicating with the researchers whose data you validate.

Support and common practice

There are two documents to facilitate with the review work. The common guidelines was decided by LUB's management council on 19 January 2016.

It is possible to get help via the joint support organisation. There is also access to an LU box with manuals and tips for you who review and validate research output. Contact LUCRIS support if you want to have access.


The guidelines is continuously updated. Feel free to contact LUCRIS support or someone in the practice working group (AGROL) if you have suggestions for changes or clarifications.

Manuals, guidelines and tutorials

Manuals, practices and tips for those who have the role of 'Editor of Research Output' in LUCRIS. Currently only available in Swedish. so please  use the Swedish site for updated Guidlines and tutorials.


LUCRIS är Lunds universitets forskningsinformationssystem och används för att samla och beskriva Lunds universitets forskningsrelaterade verksamhet. Forskningsportalen, det publika gränssnitt som visar en stor del av den information som registreras i LUCRIS, syftar till att ge en gemensam och samlad presentation av den forskning som bedrivs på Lunds universitet.

Med anledning av LUCRIS avgränsade tillämpningsområde ska således endast sådant som bedrivs som en del av forskningsgärningen registreras i LUCRIS. En anställd har möjlighet att beskriva sin pedagogiska gärning i generella termer i till exempel den personliga profiltexten under rubriken ”Teaching/Undervisning” samt med hjälp av vissa aktivitetstyper i Aktivitetsmodulen, exempelvis uppdragsutbildningar. Det finns inga typer av forskningsoutput för registrering av undervisningsmaterial.

Övrig information kring kurser, läraruppdrag och annat pedagogiskt material, exempelvis föreläsningsanteckningar eller opublicerade kompendier för studenter, bör alltså inte registreras i LUCRIS.

Beslutat i LUCRIS fakultetsövergripande arbetsgrupp LÖAG (180604).
Lund 12e juni 2018

Hanna Voog
Biträdande systemförvaltare för LUCRIS

FAQ for validation

In the case of interdisciplinary collaborations, the review right only ends up on one of these units, to access a publication it is easiest to hover over the list in which the publication is visible from within the system, at the end of the line there is a gear wheel. Click on the gear and 'Claim this content'. You get a free text box and can just write 'want to review' and the central administration grants access.

When entering a publication that was published outside or before taking up a position at Lund Unviersity, 'External Affiliation' must always be used. 'External organization' must always be listed at its top node, for example Copenhagen University (no subdivisions). Current affiliation should not be stated.

If the author indicated both an affiliation with Lund University and an external organization in the research output, then both the Lund University affiliation and the External Affiliation for the author must be added.


The UN's Global Goals (SDGs) were made visible keywords in LUCRIS during the fall of 2023. SDGs are automatically added the night after the publication has been uploaded to LUCRIS. There are no requirements for editors of research output to review SDGs, but some editors assist in checking the SDGs during the review process.

By performing a check of automatically added SDGs on research outputs, you as a reviewer can help researchers ensure accurate tagging of their research.

How to check an SDG

A good way to confirm if an SDG is correct is to read the sub-goals of the SDG.

You can find descriptions in English on Click on the goal, scroll down and read the titles of the subgoals.

How to remove or add an SDG

You add an SDG by going to the research output, scrolling down to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) beneath the title Keywords and clicking the "Add Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)" button.

To remove an SDG, click the minus sign to the right of the target.

Where to click to add or remove an SDG (screenshot)

Contact the LUCRIS support

E-mail:  servicedesk [at] lu [dot] se
Phone: 046-222 90 00
Monday - Friday 8:00-17:00
Web form: